Wanna discover the Missing Ingredient in Your DM Strategy?


Uncover the secrets that turn your MESSAGES into MONEY

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Join the Master of Marketing

Mike Wayne, for a Fun & Informative Two-Day Masterclass on

September 5th & 7th, 7 PM Eastern Time.

Claim Your Spot and Start Monetizing Your DMs Today! 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

This MasterClass Includes:

  • The Full Two Day DM's to Dollars MasterClass

  • Unlimited Replay Access

  • Immediate Access to the Original "Selling in the DM's" MasterClass Replay

  • The DM's to Dollars Cheat Sheet

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community


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Yes, Please! Add the DM's to Dollars Workbook to My Order

Only $47! Elevate your DM strategy with our all-inclusive DM's to Dollars Workbook Plus Curriculum. Not only will you get hands-on exercises, but you'll also receive the full curriculum from the masterclass—complete with the slide deck. Consider this your ultimate guide to mastering direct messages for business. Turn learning into action and watch your revenue soar!

Absolutely! Add the DM's to Dollars Content Bundle to My Order

Just $47! This exclusive content bundle contains expert-crafted dm scripts, funnel maps and strategies that are surefire ways to amplify your conversions. Don't just send messages—send messages that make money!

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Do you want to Unlock the Mystery Behind making sales in the DMs? ... aka tURNING Messages into money?

Hey YOOO...

It's ya boy Mike Wayne!

Do you ever sit back and wonder,

“What the heck are these people doing to make all of this money in their DMs?”

It’s like there’s this secret sauce that only a handful seem to have.

What if I told you the "SECRET sauce" was just a MasterClass away?

Introducing DM's to Dollars, the DM Blueprint that you’ve been waiting for!

You see, Direct Messaging isn’t about what you say,

it’s about HOW you say it.

And this MasterClass is your guide on doing just that!

Think of it as your playbook to mastering the magical world of Direct Messaging.

Every tip, every strategy, every untapped secret - served on a platter to you over two days!

We’ve all been there—

spending hours in the DMs, struggling to find the perfect pitch,

only to hear crickets…

It's not just about the numbers either;

it's about the wasted time, the dashed hopes, and that sinking feeling of another missed opportunity...

Or .... maybe you’re too scared to Market & Sell in the DM’s, PERIOD?

Either way, this MasterClass is gonna set you up for Success!

I've packed everything I know -

every strategy, every trick in the book, every secret I've gleaned - into this MasterClass!

And I’m handing it over to you 😎

If you've ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly pull sales out of the DMs while you're met with silence, this is your chance to peek behind the curtain!

I’ll be diving into techniques and strategies not shared anywhere else.

Now, I get it.

You’ve might have been through other courses, heard promises, and perhaps felt shortchanged.

That ends now!

In fact, if you act NOW and purchase a Super Earlybird Ticket,

I'm tossing in my original "Selling in the DM's" MasterClass as well!

Yes, you read that right.... absolutely FREEEEE with the Super Early Bird Ticket!

(Which is also a no brainer at $100 off! 🤯)

Wanna know WHY? ... Because why not! 🤓😝

So, are you ready to transform your business, one DM at a time?

If the answer is YES - Your bank account will thank you!

So grab your ticket and i'll see you on the inside!

To Better DMs and Bigger Checks,

Mike Wayne

Why Direct Messaging is UNTAPPED GOLD for Entrepreneurs!

  • Direct Access to Decision-Makers: Unlike email campaigns that often end up in the spam folder, DMs land right where you want them—directly in front of business owners and decision-makers.

  • Zero Marketing Budget: With DMs, there’s no need for a hefty ad spend. All you need is a well-crafted message and the right strategy to reach your ideal client!

  • Higher Engagement Rates: People are more likely to read and respond to DMs compared to emails, giving you a better chance to convert prospects into customers.

  • Instant Feedback Loop: Get immediate responses and iterate on your pitch in real-time, without having to wait for days for an email reply.

  • Build Relationships, Not Just Sales: The informal nature of DMs allows for more authentic conversations, helping build long-term relationships alongside driving immediate sales.

  • Seamless Transition to a Sale: A well-crafted DM can easily guide the prospect down the sales funnel, from awareness to conversion, all within a single platform.

Here’s what you’ll DISCOVER:

  • How to Unlock the Secrets of Direct Messaging: Get my exact Blueprint on crafting DMs that generate not just replies, but actual sales.

  • Crucial DM Do's and Don'ts: Learn what to say and what to avoid to maximize your DM's impact and avoid costly mistakes.

  • Tactics Beyond the Sale: Explore how to use DMs for customer retention, referrals, and building a community around your product or service.

  • The Psychology of Effective DMs: Dive into the consumer psychology that makes some DMs irresistible and how you can tap into that.

  • Personalization Techniques: Understand how to use data points to personalize each message, giving your DMs the human touch at scale.

  • Choosing the Right Timing: Master the art of sending DMs at the perfect time to catch your audience when they're most receptive.

Don't let lack of sales skill hold you back! Get your Ticket and get the Strategy & CLARITY you need to unlock the true power of DM's, and turn those DM's into Dollars!

Wondering if "DM's to Dollars" is Right for You?

If you've ever...

  • Wanted to monetize your social media following without sleazy sales tactics...

  • Felt like there's a fortune to be made in DMs but don't know where to start...Been eager to add another high-converting sales channel to your business...

Then YES, this MasterClass is exactly what you've been waiting for!

FINAL WARNING: This offer, especially the SUPER Early Bird Price and the FREE Bonus MasterClass, will NOT last forever. Act NOW before it's gone!

Claim Your Spot and Start Monetizing Your DMs Today! 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

Get even faster results with these Upgrades!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Will my DM marketing will come off as spammy?

Answer: When executed correctly, DM marketing is about building genuine, one-on-one connections. It’s not about bombarding with messages, but about understanding and catering to individual needs.

Question: Am I intruding on someone's personal space?

Answer: Everyone appreciates value, no matter where it comes from. By providing meaningful and relevant content, you’re not intruding but offering value that can be helpful to them.

Question: Is it too time-consuming to send individual messages?

Answer: In the age of automation, there are tools and strategies to streamline your DM marketing while still maintaining that personal touch.

Question: Will I end up annoying potential Clients and lose them?

Answer: With the right messaging and frequency, DM marketing can be seen as a resource rather than an annoyance. It’s all about balance.

Question: Do I need to be tech-savvy to manage DM marketing?

Answer: DM is one of the simplest forms of communication. Plus, there are numerous tutorials and tools available to guide you through the process.

Question: What if I say the wrong thing and damage my reputation?

Answer: Authenticity is key in DMs. If a mistake is made, a genuine apology and correction can actually enhance trust, showcasing your brand's integrity.

Question: What happens if people don't read DMs or ignore my messages?

Answer: Actually, DMs often have a higher open rate than emails because they are seen as more personal. The key is ensuring your message stands out in a positive, valuable way.

Question: What if I end up spending too much time on uninterested leads?

Answer: DM marketing is as much about listening as it is about talking. By gauging interest early on, you can focus your energy on promising leads.

Question: Will my DMs will get lost among the multitude of messages people receive daily?

Answer: By crafting compelling and personalized opening lines, you increase the chances of your message being read and engaged with.

Question: What if I can't handle the volume of responses?

Answer: A high response rate is a good problem to have! Tools and strategies can help manage the influx, or you can even consider hiring assistance as you scale (a good problem!)

SUPER earlybird Ends IN:


Claim Your Spot and Start Monetizing Your DMs Today! 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

This MasterClass Includes:

  • Two Day DM's to Dollars MasterClass

  • Unlimited Replay Access

  • Immediate Access to the Original "Selling in the DM's" MasterClass Replay

  • The DM's to Dollars Cheat Sheet

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community


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Yes, Please! Add the DM's to Dollars Workbook to My Order

Only $47! Elevate your DM strategy with our all-inclusive DM's to Dollars Workbook Plus Curriculum. Not only will you get hands-on exercises, but you'll also receive the full curriculum from the masterclass—complete with the slide deck. Consider this your ultimate guide to mastering direct messages for business. Turn learning into action and watch your revenue soar!

Absolutely! Add the DM's to Dollars Content Bundle to My Order

Just $47! This exclusive content bundle contains expert-crafted dm scripts, funnel maps and strategies that are surefire ways to amplify your conversions. Don't just send messages—send messages that make money!

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Lifestyle School | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

Hey, I’m Mike!

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 4 years now. My very first company was launched in 2017. AMPM Credit Repair. After launching that company, I saw the demand with so many people wanting to learn how to launch their own credit repair company. 

So I developed and created my first online digital course. Teaching people how to do exactly what I do. Launching their own credit repair company from scratch. Then I had thousands of people online watching my online course sales go crazy and they began asking if I could teach them how to ALSO launch a valuable online course. But in THEIR own desired niche/industry. 

That’s when ANOTHER aha moment came to me. What if I take all of the knowledge, expertise, and experience that I’ve accumulated in the last 4 years and launched an online course teaching others how to build THEIR online course. 

In ANY industry? And that is how Digital Course Recipe came to life!

What makes Digital Course Recipe different than other trainings like it?


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You’ll get lifetime access to the course material. So if you ever need to go back and review a lesson to improve your online course, you can do that. FOREVER.

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You have access to this training for one year, so if that’s not enough time, you’ll have to sign up again. 


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You have lifetime access to our private Facebook group. So, you can go back and review as much as you need to.

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The Facebook group will be archived once the class ends. All information shared in the group is valuable so, make sure to take some notes!


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Where is the instructor? Is she going to show up? Do we ever get to speak to her? I haven’t heard from her since registration day.